

Hi and thanks for stopping by at football fanatics.

For my first blog I have chosen to speak on the subject of football which will come as no surprise to my friends or family, football is a strong passion in my life and i  hope you can spare a little time to join in some good old fashion football banter but please keep rivalry friendly!!

I have been a massive fan of the wonderful game we call football, or soccer to our friends in the USA!! for more than 25yrs!! and I still play whenever possible today, Unfortunately I support Liverpool F.C so although it was good in the beginning, like many a relationship it all started to go a bit sour and for the last ten years I have suffered a lot of heartache on and of the pitch lol! However under the guide of Rafa Benitez I believe we are taking huge steps and are no longer that dream away from bringing the tittle back to Anfield..

Please be patient if you come across any problems with the site as still in early stages, feel free to leave your comments in the specified areas as all feedback is helpful..


One Response to “About”

  1. ha ha sfe stinks i luv this website…but uu cud put me on doin sum tricks u no!! its not jst about prem teams is it?? not relii..luv uu

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